Designing for online learners requires a whole new way of thinking. It requires us to dispense with traditional teaching methods and take a more creative approach to delivering content. It demands that we constantly innovate, finding new ways to engage with, inspire and motivate students, wherever they are in the world. Most importantly, it challenges us to redefine the scope of what education can deliver - and to whom.
That's why we have recently launched a new streaming-inspired ON-DEMAND learning series for our students, whereby every week a new piece of content (blog, podcast, vodcast or webinar) will 'drop' into our students learning portals. Students will only see new content that suits their interests, area of study or that is motivational.
You can also preview our On-Demand content on Spotify or Apple via our podcast series "Learning Without Limits".
If you would like to find out more about our online courses, please get in touch with our team anytime at 1300 611 404, contact us, or email [email protected].